Poles of Excellence and Regional Assets
Granby’s Key Poles

Granby is a leader in the aeronautics industry, with major companies in the engines, parts and components subsector, and in composite materials. These companies specialize in aircraft structural components and are mainly components manufacturers and integrators. The regional ecosystem driving this industry supports over 2,000 jobs. More…

Ground Equipment
Specialty Vehicles
The ground equipment / specialty vehicles pole supports 1,572 jobs in Granby and is composed of several segments: specialty vehicles, public transportation, LDVs, railroad equipment and RVs.. More…

Food Processing
Granby’s food processing pole is a key economic driver for jobs and investments in the region. The dairy and confectionery segments create 57% of the 1,919 jobs in the food processing pole. Major clients in dairy and confectionery processing are established in Granby. More…

Hydroelectric Engineering
Over 80% of the engineering and design of hydro-electric systems for small-and medium-scale hydro, in Canada, are made in Granby. The industrial tissue of Granby consists of a critical mass of companies in design and engineering which are very complementary between them. Besides a network of specialized subcontractors, Granby is home to a highly qualified workforce. More…
A Diversified Industrial Base
The identification and definition of specific poles of excellence greatly improves the visibility of Granby’s industrial park. It also strengthens the value chains of different poles with a shared industrial base (ecosystem).
Granby’s main assets are the diversity and vitality of its industrial structure.
In addition, it facilitates access to a qualified workforce, multiplies collaborations between different players, promotes innovation, and improves access to regional markets.