Our partners

Economic Development Partners

Economic stakeholders in the region are very committed to optimizing the expansion of local businesses and have developed a full range of funds and services to meet the needs of the region’s entrepreneurs.

Granby Industrial
 Our organization supports industrial businesses in Granby with their growth and challenges. We provide guidance and advice to help you diversify your markets, successfully undergo digital transformation, adopt circular economy practices, secure funding, manage relocation, recruit workforce, and much more. Contact us — we are here to guide you.

Entrepreneuriat Haute-Yamaska
Entrepreneuriat Haute-Yamaska, a part of Granby Industriel, actively contributes to the region’s socioeconomic development, providing financial aid funds and startup expertise to assist emerging companies and support other local projects.

Services Québec
 Services Québec provides consulting and financial support to:

  • Increase productivity;
  • Optimize human resource management;
  • Train, motivating and mobilizing employees;
  • Recruit qualified personnel;
  • Prepare business succession and transfer;
  • Comply with certain legal requirements.

Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ)
Le MAPAQ guides and supports the Quebec biofood industry within the framework of sustainable development:

  • Involvement in the stages of production, transformation, marketing and consumption of agricultural, marine and food products.
  • An important role in research and development, as well as teaching and training.

Ministry of Economy and Innovation
The Ministry‘s mission is to support business growth, entrepreneurship, science, innovation, export trade and investment. It also advises the Government with a view to favouring economic development in every region of Québec, in a perspective of:

  • job creation;
  • economic prosperity;
  • sustainable development.

National Research Council (NRC)
 The NRC supports innovation, conducts strategic research and acquires scientific and technical services to develop and implement solutions to meet current and future demands of Canadian industry and society.

Innovation Canada
 Innovation Canada supports Canadian businesses by offering tailored solutions to foster their growth and innovation. It guides them toward funding programs, advisory services, and technology resources suited to their needs. Additionally, it facilitates strategic partnerships and access to talent to enhance business competitiveness in the market.

Canada Economic Development (CED) for Quebec Regions
 CED favours the development of companies by contributing, either directly or via supporting organizations, to the development of entrepreneurship and the performance of companies. Specific assistance is available for:

  • Creating or starting a business ;
  • Planning the succession of a business ;
  • Increasing productivity ;
  • Innovating, adapting new technologies, or facilitating technology transfer;
  • Marketing and Exports;
  • Structuring a Network.

Expansion PME
 Companies often require assistance to develop or consolidate markets outside of Quebec. For both novice companies and experienced exporters, Expansion PME provides a full range of services to help companies with their export projects and with the decision-making process.

Invest Quebec (IQ)
 IQ is a crown corporation that exists to contribute to the economic development of Quebec by stimulating the growth of investment and promote employment in all regions of the province. The corporation supports the creation and development local businesses of all sizes by providing targeted financial solutions and investments, complementing the services provided by its partners.

Le Centre d’aide aux entreprises Haute-Yamaska et région (CAE)
 The mission of the CAE is to contribute to economic development by providing financial assistance and advisory services to SMEs in the regions it serves, with the goal of promoting job creation and retention. In addition to their various financing programs, the advisors offer comprehensive support services to entrepreneurs to assist them with startup, innovation, acquisition, and business expansion projects.

Export Development Canada (EDC)
 Export Development Canada (EDC) is Canada’s export credit agency. Its primary mission is to help Canadian businesses grow globally by providing financing solutions, insurance, and risk management expertise.

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
 The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is a financial institution dedicated to supporting Canadian SMEs by providing financing, advisory services, and growth capital. It helps entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey, whether during startup, expansion, or business transition, while promoting innovation and technology adoption to help Canadian businesses remain competitive in the global market. BDC stands out for its commitment to supporting businesses facing financial challenges or operating in high-risk sectors by offering tailored solutions to meet their needs.

Le Centre d’innovation et de technologies industrielles de Granby (CITIG)
 The CITIG is an industrial incubator that supports local entrepreneurship and promotes business development. This incubator provides innovative companies and startups with fairly priced commercial space, as well as consulting and professional and technical support services.

Le Carrefour industriel et numérique de Granby
 The Granby Industrial and Digital Hub supports local businesses by facilitating their digital transition and improving productivity through the companies housed within it.

It hosts both international and Quebec-based companies that have developed digital technologies and technological tools dedicated to the manufacturing sector.

To find out more about financial assistance programs or technical support, click here.