Welcome to the Granby Industrial and Digital Hub

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Set up your innovative and ambitious company here!

The Industrial and Digital Hub welcomes both foreign and Quebec-based companies that have developed digital technologies and technological tools dedicated to the manufacturing sector.

      • The Hub enables startups to thrive in a dynamic and innovative environment.
      • Companies benefit from an ecosystem that promotes collaborations.
      • The ecosystem encourages co-development.
      • Resident companies benefit from a preferential rate for accommodation.
      • Synergies are encouraged between companies and partners in R&D, data, financing, other accelerators, etc.
      • To foster interactions, office spaces are available for occasional visitors related to the mission.



    • City of Granby
    • Granby Industriel


  • INOPROD : Engineering firm and partner in major industrial projects, providing solutions for strategic decision-making in SMEs and large corporations.
  • DELTAMU : Experts in industrial metrology. Services and consulting. Training. Software.
  • CHARGEPOLY : Charging solutions for commercial electric vehicles.
  • EVO MÉTROLOGIE : Metrology experts. Calibration, verification, repair, and rental services.
  • CONSEIL DES INDUSTRIES DURABLES : Its mission is to support organizations in advancing their sustainable development management practices. ECOresponsibility, ECOleaders, Net-Zero Carbon initiatives, etc.


    • Companies must develop or have developed digital technologies or technological tools (robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, greenhouse gas emissions measurement, etc.) specifically designed for the manufacturing sector.
    • Be a startup, have reached a certain level of maturity, or be in growth phase.
    • Have a well-defined business plan and have completed strategic planning.


Accompaniment is provided to companies through collaboration with recognized accelerators, which already have high-level mentors, and educational institutions.

  • Cégep de Granby : A college-level educational institution.
  • Espace-inc : An accelerator for entrepreneurs and businesses, staffed by a team of experienced entrepreneurs who are eager to share and give back.
  • Technum Québec : An innovation zone in digital technologies.
  • Université de Sherbrooke : A university and research and development center.

Éric Tessier
Industrial Development, Director
450 777-2707, extension 2628